The inspiration for this outfit came when I went to see Sex and the City the movie, when it had its premiere back in 2008. When I’ve seen Carrie, my fashion idol:D, wearing over the knee high socks with argyle pattern on it, I knew one thing: I’ve got to have them! I didn’t want to copy her whole outfit, therefore the only thing for me to achieve was to make them work somehow else. After a couple of trial outfits, it turned out that they’re not so easy to juxtapose;D So instead of setting them with some sophisticated and complicated outfit, I’ve tried an easy option… Hope you like it! I’ve totally fell in love with these socks and its colours…. my favourite colours to use in my outfits. Who would’ve thought I would find them in Primark?! The dress is also from there and it was only 3 pounds on sale!